#130 – A Very Direct Nintendo

Nick’s playing #Blud, which is basically a Saturday morning cartoon. Josh is dabbling in Syphon Filter for some old school feels.  The bros chitchat about some Gears of War and Mass Effect. They’re also pumped for new Metroid Prime. Finally, they pick their GOTYSO categories live(ish). 

Nick Coffman


Nick Coffman is a co-founder and editor at Smashing Game Time. He is also a contributor to Hard Drive Magazine. When not failing miserably in Super Meat Boy, Nick can be found working on a screenplay or performing improv and sketch comedy on stage. You can follow him on Twitter.


Reissue - Slay the Princess Interview with Black Tabby Games


#129 – Less Political Metal Gear – Summer Game Fest, Legend of Legaia, Black Ops 6