#127 – À la carte, The Vampire Slayer – Castlevania Tier List, Firewatch, Hauntii, Moonscars

You liked the last tier list, so we’re back with one for Castlevania. Nick shares his thoughts on the Firewatch ending and why it isn’t disappointing. He also talks early impressions of Hauntii and SOMA. Josh gives us the skinny on Moonscars and is finally finishing the Spyro Collection. Also, yay more acquisitions…this time from IGN. 

Nick Coffman


Nick Coffman is a co-founder and editor at Smashing Game Time. He is also a contributor to Hard Drive Magazine. When not failing miserably in Super Meat Boy, Nick can be found working on a screenplay or performing improv and sketch comedy on stage. You can follow him on Twitter.


#128 – No More Tiers – Metroidvania Tier List, Hellblade, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Moonscars


#126 – We Want Phazon Free Rivers – Metroid Tier List